Praise God for His provisions! Samaritan Ministries is experiencing an accelerated growth rate which shows no signs of slowing yet. December 2013 had the highest ever number of households join (not over yet), and there are already more members set to join in January than what December had, and it’s not even January yet! It’s an exciting challenge, one that Samaritan is eager to manage and had planned for as a possibility when Obamacare was announced. As a member I am overjoyed at this success and fellowship with other Christians. I am thrilled that these families found a way out of the ACA nightmare and are seeing the light as to what healthcare sharing can mean to them. I hope more and more families are able to find that a healthcare sharing ministry is a wonderful alternative to the oppression of government controlled health insurance. If you have any questions about it for yourself, please don’t hesitate to ask me on this blog or call the main office of Samaritan Ministries. The staff are wonderful to speak with and would love to answer your questions.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!