News articles are reporting that some states are already seeing requests by insurance companies to raise premiums for next year by double digits again. Maryland is the first state to see it, with increases anywhere from 18% to a whopping 91%.
Maryland is scrambling to come up with a reinsurance option to help offset this, but even if their plan works it will still mean a very large increase for those residents. This would be the 4th year in a row for very large increases on insurance premiums. The new tax laws removed the individual mandate for 2019, but high premiums and no mandate means that thousands more will go completely without any financial safety net should their health struggle.
Healthcare sharing ministries offer an alternative that is worth investigating. If you fear a health event without any financial protection, but can’t afford insurance premiums or don’t agree with the morality of the coverage, then consider a sharing ministry. These ministries offer a MUCH cheaper solution to the issue of health care cost management. There’s no need to walk around unprotected and in fear of the next sprained ankle or that a big event could wipe you out. Samaritan Ministries offers extremely affordable monthly share costs, and offers a logical alternative to high insurance. Members pay for their own yearly physical, but the tradeoff is not having to pay thousands per month for your premium. The costs savings are huge, but even more importantly, the emotional and spiritual support goes up 1000 fold. Members have an advocate in their corner with Samaritan Ministries. They no longer have to wade the complicated world of medical billing alone. It’s an amazing system and one that I wish everyone could experience. More and more people are joining ministries as membership to ministries overall has skyrocketed to over 1 million people. It’s no longer that odd-ball idea, it’s a fully tested and functionally successful model for more than 3 decades.
We’ve had two medical events paid for through our ministry membership. There was no high left over deductible, in fact, 100% of our bills that we turned in were covered and covered quickly. No one can say that about insurance payouts. And we had no headaches with Samaritan. They were friendly, supportive, helpful, and offered support on an emotional level that an insurance rep just cannot do. The process for submitting our bills was fast and easy online, and payments arrived less than 60 days later. We joined Samaritan more than 4 years ago and have never regretted it. I encourage everyone to look into whether join a healthcare sharing ministry could be a cost saving, and peace inducing solution for your family’s health care needs.
Want to know more? Click here for a free information packet!