Today I received our monthly Samaritan newsletter and share slip telling us where to send our $370 (no Save to Share needs for us this month). I’ve already listed this share as sent in our online account area, and we’ve also sent money to 3 members with Special Prayer Needs. The only problem with getting our newsletter today is that I have to wait a whole month to get the next one! 🙂 This “bill” is the one thing I really enjoy paying each month. I love praying for other members, sending money to those who need it and taking part in their healing, financially and spiritually. The amazing simplicity of this ministry is in stark contrast to the complexity of traditional insurance. Samaritan membership is bringing me peace, reducing our financial burdens (lower monthly cost), reducing burdens for those with medical needs and facilitating the fellowship of all these Christians. It’s amazing what can happen when you take government out of healthcare and put God back in.
Monthly share increased to $405 as of the July 2014Â share with a majority vote by Samaritan members.