Our Samaritan need submission experience has been amazing. Not only did we receive all of the shares that were assigned to our surgical need, we received a little extra because one of the members very generously sent about $10 more than they were assigned along with a very nice note. (We are choosing to pass that gift on to someone with a special prayer need next month.) Without a doubt, sharing a need with Samaritan members is an uplifting and joyful process. From start to finish the entire experience has been amazing and it was all done without any insurance company involvement. This experience shows us just how incredibly simple it is to get compassionate, high quality health care without any insurance at all. And it’s all possible by being a member of Samaritan Ministries.
We are still in awe about how EASY this whole process has been. Here’s the list:
- Paid cash with 50% discount, small enough charge to fit on our credit card
- We were treated well by friendly people
- There was basically no wait time to get the consult, testing and surgery done (surgery was scheduled for 3 days after the testing)
- We paid less (with cash) for the medications than most insurance copays would have charged
- The itemized bill came quickly and was submitted online to Samaritan (new online submission feature is available now!)
- We got to make all our own choices with advice from the doctor and no input from a rule bound insurance board
- Talking to Samaritan was a pleasure and offered none of the frustrations that insurance company’s have given us
- Had our full need 100% paid for through member shares within 2 1/2 months after the surgery was performed
Here’s what we avoided:
- Avoided waiting 7-10 days for insurance to approve the surgery
- Avoided the insurance requirement of working on only one hand at a time, which would have stretched out the entire process by an extra 1-2 months
- Avoided any scheduling headaches by being forced to do it on someone else’s timeframe
- Avoided be stuck with a giant deductible (in fact, 100% of the surgery was paid for!)
- Avoided being charged twice as much for the entire procedure
- Avoided seeing a bill, an EOB, and a final bill
- Avoided any potential insurance coding and payment mixups
- Avoided any extra “out of network” surprise charges
We received 100% of our assigned shares. 98% of funds came right on schedule between the 10th and 20th of the month along with nice cards and notes offering prayers for his healing. 2% of funds (one tiny share) arrived toward the end of the month. Most of them had cards and notes to go with it. We have saved them all as a reminder of God’s blessings.
I have always felt such peace about our Samaritan membership. Having now experienced a medical event and the Samaritan need submission/sharing process first hand only strengthens my confidence about how great this health care sharing ministry is. Yes, we pay for our own checkups, but even those are at a reduced rate with cash discounts. Insurance has its place, but it’s an option that is becoming increasingly unaffordable to many. I am so thankful that our family is walking our health care journey on a different path, a firmer foundation supported by fellow Christians following the ways of Christ. It has been a path of prayer, peace and comfort, freedom and joy, and incredible financial support. It amazes me how I (we) had come to accept the frustrations and large expenses associated with insurance as just being “normal” and “nothing we can do about it”. Doing healthcare the Samaritan way truly feels like chains being broken and coming out from under a crushing financial rock. I know that sounds over the top, but it’s entirely true. I wish everyone could experience how freeing it is to get health care with full support. To get bills paid quickly and without stress. To pay so little each month for the privilege of helping others achieve that same health care freedom. I wish we had found it sooner. 🙂 God bless Samaritan Ministries and its members. Thank You.